Focus on policies and features impacting accessibility and ease of use for UA faculty/staff/students and make recommendations to encourage buy-in to UA HPC systems. Address security concerns and work with UITS staff and other subcommittees to design and implement secure practices. Devise 5 year vision with input from RCGC members at large.
- Chair Susan Miller, ARL BioComputing / UAGC
- Blake Joyce, UITS Research Computing
- Todd Merritt, UITS Research Computing
- Chris Reidy, UITS Research Computing
- Brian Mannakee, Biostatistics
- Dima Shyshlov, UITS Research Computing
- Jimmy Ferng, UITS Research Computing
- Krishna Muralidharan, Materials Science
- Josh Levine, Computer Science
- Laurel Johnstone, Arizona Research Labs /Hammer Lab
- Jianjun Yin, Geosciences
- Ali Akoglu, Electrical & Computer Engr
- Ritu Pandey, Cellular and Molecular Medicine
- Joseph Matheson, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
1. Support for the user policies of HPC resources
2. Address Security and ITAR considerations